Oxygen Broker Services

Oxygen Broker Services

Today we were at the Dag van de Makelaar, organised by FVF to promote our Broker Services.

Find out what we can do for an insurance broker to boost his efficiency via this link.

Other news




Oxygen launch

Ready for some Oxygen for your insurance company? (Also: we’re hiring) Today’s insurers feel pressure on several fronts: dealing with IT evolutions, higher customer expectations and changing regulatory frameworks are but a few of the sector’s core challenges. That’s why we are proud to announce the launch of Oxygen.




Oxygen in the press – “The offer you can’t refuse”

If you missed our Oxygen webinar “The offer you can’t refuse” by Steven Van Belleghem, don’t worry! A great summary was published in the magazine “De Verzekeringswereld” / “Monde de l’assurance”.




A new partnership is born : Harmoney teams up with life insurance domain expert Oxygen

Blending best-of-breed digital compliance technology with insurance domain knowledge, Belgian financial services firms Harmoney and Oxygen are joining forces to support life insurance providers in their digital and customer-centric transformations.