Kristel Desmedt

With great enthusiasm, a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Management and a backpack filled with varied professional experience, Kristel strengthens the Oxygen team.

The insurance sector may be a new development in her career, but her many years of experience in human resources, office and communication are a solid basis to take on this challenge. Payroll, internal communication, fleet management, event organization,… all of this sounds like music to Kristel’s ears.

“The insurance sector will only grow in importance in the future as people realize how important it is to insure the things that matter most to them. Disasters such as the floods or the corona pandemic have only reinforced this feeling for many. A necessary wake-up call.

“At Oxygen everything feels like “coming home”. I found people here with the same positive attitude, who have the best interests of the client (internal & external) at heart, who don’t shy away from a challenge and who also meet it with great enthusiasm. Say what you do and do what you say. That’s absolutely how it feels working at Oxygen.”

Kristel is a sporty (plus)mum of 3, married to a man she looks up to every day. Together they live in Zemst (Flemish Brabant) a green area, along the Zenne. The perfect setting for her regular runs.