Oxygen dans la presse - "Deux start-up belges au chevet de la transformation du secteur des assurances."

The new partnership between Oxygen and TeRoCo combines in-depth insurance knowledge with a range of high-tech solutions. In this way we can continue to strive for a further transformation of the insurance sector towards greater customer focus and efficiency.

Discover everything about the new partnership between Oxygen and TeRoCo in the following articles:

TeRoCo en Oxygen slaan de handen in elkaar om verzekeringsmarkt te transformeren – KMO insider (Dutch)

Twee Belgische start-ups steken handje toe bij de transformatie van de verzekeringssectorDigimedia (Dutch)

Deux start-up belges au chevet de la transformation du secteur des assurances– Digimedia (French)

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Happy 2022 everyone!

Oxygen wishes you a safe & successful 2022!

As we steadily continue to grow, our team expands with a lot of competent and extremely qualified new colleagues.

Who’s next? Because we won’t stop thriving towards new challenges and projects.




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Oxygen goes Wild (Trails)

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