Oxygen Inspiration Evening ’23

Oxygen Inspiration Evening - 29.11.2023 - Lamot Mechelen

Le mercredi 29.11.2023 a eu lieu la soirée d'inspiration Oxygen au Lamot à Malines. Cette soirée s'est déroulée en présence de nombreux acteurs clés du secteur de l'assurance.

Oxygen goes Wild (Trails)

Oxygen goes Wild (Trails)

15-16/09 the entire Oxygen team went for a 2 days retreat in Jupille, La Roche en Ardennes.

“Transforming insurance. TOGETHER”.

Oxygen-BBQ ’23

On June the 11th we invited all the Oxygen-people and their family’s to enjoy a delicious BBQ together.

We had a nice & delicious afternoon.

Learn & Grow @ Oxygen

L&G @ Oxygen

At Oxygen, we apply the “learn & grow” approach.

We are invariably convinced that Oxygen’s growth can only go hand in hand with the growth of our consultants. Consultants who are open to change & always willing to learn are more efficient, goal-oriented, constantly evolving, up-to-date with the latest trends, feel happier and are more self-aware. All qualities that are very much appreciated both internally and by our clients.

Oxygen Celebration & Inspiration Evening

Oxygen Inspiration & Celebration evenening - 16.11.2022 - 1

Le 16 novembre dernier, l'analyste de tendances Herman Konings est venu partager son point de vue sur l'économie, la société et le monde des assurances. Après tout, notre habitat et notre passion communs sont confrontés à des défis fascinants. Comment répondre de manière créative et décisive à tous ces changements?

Moving to our own Offices

Oxygen Team in new Offices

Oxygen is growing very fast. At the beginning of June, we moved into our brand new own offices.

Click to watch the short movie of our moving day.

The making of our corporate movies


Qui pourrait mieux raconter l'histoire d'Oxygen que nos propres emplyés?

Because we all work with great passion and enthousiasm and really believe that we can transform the insurance sector, together.

Our employees are our best ambassadors, because they speak from the heart and honestly.

Un grand merci à tous!