Oxygen-BBQ ’23

On June the 11th we invited all the Oxygen-people and their family’s to enjoy a delicious BBQ together.

We had a nice & delicious afternoon.

Oxygen BBQ 2023 - 1

Oxygen BBQ 2023 - 2

Oxygen BBQ 2023 - 3

Oxygen BBQ 2023 - 4

Oxygen BBQ 2023 - 5

Oxygen BBQ 2023 - 6

Oxygen BBQ 2023 - 7

Oxygen BBQ 2023 - 8

Oxygen BBQ 2023 - 9

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Oxygen goes Wild (Trails)

15-16/09 the entire Oxygen team went for a 2 days retreat in Jupille, La Roche en Ardennes. “Transforming insurance. TOGETHER”.




People fail forward to success

Failure is a great teacher, though many people fear failure. Our self-esteem is often tied to our achievements, and failures can dent this self-esteem or can cause us to feel our value is lowered in the eyes of our peers.  However, failure can be a skill – one of the first lessons in many types of martial arts is how to fall down properly. Unfortunately, most business classes don’t teach this skill.




Oxygen wishes you a happy newyear!

Oxygen wishes you a happy newyear!