Dieter Kennes

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After graduating in human resources, Dieter worked three years for a big recruitment company where he was responsible for the division Banking and Insurance. Fascinated by the everchanging insurance industry, he decided to join the Oxygen team and contribute to the transformation of the sector!

As Business Consultant for our service line Operations Support, Dieter is the bridge between projects and consultants. He is always on the lookout for new talent and suitable projects to further develop this talent.

“After graduating and a year of travelling the world, I started working for a recruitment company where I was assigned the job ‘Consultant Banking and Insurance’. Without any prior knowledge in the financial world, I started my career. The more I got into the matter, the more this exciting and rapidly evolving industry appealed to me. When Dirk, Tom and Kristof gave me the chance to start at Oxygen and contribute to the further evolution of the sector, I didn’t hesitate for a second!”

“What is it what makes Oxygen so appealing for me? The flat structure, the hands-on mentality and the ambitious project that grows from a strong believe in making the industry more efficient.”  

In his spare time Dieter is passionate about cooking and has a strong interest in travelling and cycling.